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Timely Warnings

Caltech is committed to issuing Timely Warnings, per the Clery Act, in order to provide information and recommendations on situations of concern.

Timely Warnings will be made in a manner that is timely and will aid in the prevention of similar crimes and are exclusive to Clery-reportable crimes.   Examples may include but are not limited to multiple sexual assaults involving date rape drugs, strong-arm robbery, and a rash of house burglaries.

Crimes which may trigger a Timely Warning must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Clery-reportable crime (list below)
  • On Clery-defined "on campus," "off-campus,," or "public property" geography (list below)
  • Reported to a Campus Security Authority (CSA) or local law enforcement
  • Represents a serious or continuing threat to students and/or employees

Clery reportable crimes are:

  • Criminal homicide, including murder and manslaughter (negligent and non-negligent);
  • Sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible);
  • Robbery;
  • Aggravated assault;
  • Burglary;
  • Motor vehicle theft;
  • Arson; and
  • Hate crimes, including any of the above offenses, as well as any incidents of larceny/theft, simple assault, intimidation, or destruction/damage/vandalism of property that were motivated by bias.
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Arrests and disciplinary referrals for violation of weapons, drug abuse, and liquor laws

Clery-defined geography for Timely Warnings includes:

  • On-campus
  • On public property immediately adjacent to campus, such as sidewalks and streets
  • Off-campus Caltech properties within one mile of campus

Whether a matter meets the requirements for a Timely Warning will be evaluated by the Chief of Security, the Director of Security Operations, and/or the Assistant Vice President for Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion Initiatives/Title IX Coordinator, or their designees, on a case-by-case basis. The decision will be made in light of all the facts surrounding the incident, including but not limited to:

  • the nature of the incident
  • the continuing danger to the campus community,
  • the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

If these requirements are met, a Timely Warning will be sent when pertinent information is available.

Timely Warnings are made to the Caltech community and includes information about the crime that triggered the warning, as well as information intended to promote safety and aid in the prevention of similar crimes. Timely Warnings are developed in consultation with the Chief of Security or the Assistant Vice President for Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion Initiatives/Title IX Coordinator, or their designees, if available.  They are provided to the Incident Commander or the Vice President, Student Affairs, or their designees for review and approval.

Timely Warnings are emailed to students, staff, and faculty.  Timely Warnings are also posted on the Caltech Security website.

The type of crime, whether it occurred on campus or in Clery-defined off-campus, non-campus property or public property will be included. Victim's names and other identifying information will not be disclosed. A Timely Warning may release the name, identifying information, or other characteristics of the accused.

Documentation regarding Timely Warnings is maintained by the Clery Coordinators of the Institute.